Friday, April 28, 2017

Computers work/breaking the ceiling/coleslaw conspiracy

Yesterday Ba-Katengo and me finally had a chance to get the computers for the administrative center up and running. We connected 3 desktop windows computers and a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu Mate. We are relieved that all of the equipment that we tested and setup in the states works properly and all of the computers can communicate with each other. Getting internet access is the next step

As we were trying​ to determine where to run network cables through the drop ceiling Ba-Pwetenge invited me up to have a look and show me where I could and could not step. I had to climb up through the closet to get there. I then followed his instructions, and stepped carefully around the attic. When I was done I felt triumphant. I jumped down to the top of the closet, which I assumed was solid, and heard a big boom and crack. Oops. I cracked the ceiling of the closet because it was particle board and not wood. Needless to say, Dr. Thomas, in talking with Ba-Pwetenge, mentioned that I probably shouldn't be going back into the ceiling.

Lastly, is there an international consortium of coleslaw lobbyists pushing this agenda world wide? At almost every fast food place that offers "salad," I've gotten coleslaw!! I'm in rural Zambia!! It happened in Lusaka and Choma, which are 4+ hours apart! WHO LIKES COLESLAW? No one asks for it, it's usually just given away as punishment and yet, it has oozed it's nasty way to Zambia! SMH. There must be some very powerful people behind it's proliferation!

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